I’m an assistant professor in the Department of Information Managemen at National Central University, Taiwan.
Previously, I earned my Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at National Chengchi University, Taiwan, under the supervision of Prof. Raylin Tso. Additionally, I earned another Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology at Kanazawa University, Japan, under the supervision of Prof. Masahiro Mambo (double-degree program).
My primary research focus lies in the field of applied cryptography, with particular emphasis on areas such as searchable encryption and identity-based encryption. Furthermore, I also focus on lattice-based cryptosystems, which are likely to be the critical cryptography of the next century due to their resistance to quantum computer attacks.
selected publications
Predicate encryption with selective-opening security for receivers: formal definition, generic construction, and concrete instantiations for several primitives
With the rise of cloud computing, multi-user scenarios have become a common setting for data sharing nowadays. The conservative security notion might not be sufficient for such a data sharing model. As a response to this challenge, there has been significant research targeting security against receiver selective-opening (RSO) attacks. However, we found that none of these studies discuss RSO security specifically for predicate encryption (PE)—an encryption mechanism naturally designed for multi-user data sharing. This manuscript first formalizes the RSO security for PE. We then present a generic PE construction that achieves RSO security based on the simulation-based definition. Our work also features several instantiations for various predicate families, including attribute-based encryption for the monotone span program, which is known as one of the most expressive PE.
@article{DBLP:journals/dcc/TLT24,author={Tseng, Yi-Fan and Liu, Zi-Yuan and Tso, Raylin},title={Predicate encryption with selective-opening security for receivers: formal definition, generic construction, and concrete instantiations for several primitives},journal={Des. Codes Cryptogr.},year={2024},volume={92},pages={1477--1500},}
Public-key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search: Cryptanalysis, Enhanced Security, and Quantum-resistant Instantiation
With the rapid development of cloud computing, an increasing number of companies are adopting cloud storage technology to reduce overhead. However, to ensure the privacy of sensitive data, the uploaded data need to be encrypted before being outsourced to the cloud. The concept of public-key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) was introduced by Boneh et al. to provide flexible usage of the encrypted data. Unfortunately, most of the PEKS schemes are not secure against inside keyword guessing attacks (IKGA), so the keyword information of the trapdoor may be leaked to the adversary. To solve this issue, Huang and Li presented public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS) in which the trapdoor generated by the receiver is only valid for authenticated ciphertexts. With their seminal work, many PAEKS schemes have been introduced for the enhanced security of PAEKS. Some of them further consider the upcoming quantum attacks. However, our cryptanalysis indicated that in fact, these schemes could not withstand IKGA. To fight against the attacks from quantum adversaries and support the privacy-preserving search functionality, we first introduce a novel generic PAEKS construction in this work. Then, we further present the first quantum-resistant PAEKS instantiation based on lattices. The security proofs show that our instantiation not only satisfies the basic requirements but also achieves enhanced security models, namely the multi-ciphertext indistinguishability and multi-trapdoor privacy. Furthermore, the comparative results indicate that with only some additional expenditure, the proposed instantiation provides more secure properties, making it suitable for more diverse application environments.
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/asiaccs/LiuTTMC22,author={Liu, Zi{-}Yuan and Tseng, Yi{-}Fan and Tso, Raylin and Mambo, Masahiro and Chen, Yu{-}Chi},editor={Suga, Yuji and Sakurai, Kouichi and Ding, Xuhua and Sako, Kazue},title={Public-key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search: Cryptanalysis,
Enhanced Security, and Quantum-resistant Instantiation},booktitle={{ASIA} {CCS} '22: {ACM} Asia Conference on Computer and Communications
Security, Nagasaki, Japan, 30 May 2022 - 3 June 2022},pages={423--436},publisher={{ACM}},year={2022},}